Far West Electric Ltd. Can supply you with Custom Designed PLC Software and Touch Screen Graphics to manage the Automation you require for your Family Farm Grain Dryer and Grain Handling System.
Take your Grain Dryer and Grain Handling Controls to the cab of your combine or dining room table with our Smart Phone App designed to give REMOTE ACCESS to your Custom Designed Control System.
Receive all Alarms and Shutdowns on your Grain Dryer and Grain Handling Controls via TEXT MESSAGE, EMAIL OR A VOICE CALL
Custom Touch Screen
In your Control Room or on Smart Phone
- High temp shut down status
- Pressure switch status
- Gas valve status
- Fire Eye in alarm status
- Motors status (on/off/faulted)
- Wet & Dry bin level status
- Alarms & Shutdowns status
- Flame temp. & trend
- Plenum temp. & trend
- Dryer grain temp. & trend
- Wet grain % moisture & trend
- Dried grain % moisture & trend